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EMF Level 5,Fingerprints,Freezing Temperatures

Abilities / notes / hints
  • When the breaker is on and the Jinn get’s line of site with a player, it will get faster (not as fast as a Revenant and not as slow as a Revenant without LOS)
  • When it gets within 3m of a player, it will slow down to normal ghost speed
  • Has the ability to zap 25% sanity when near a player and the breaker is on: will give an EMFreading at the breaker when this ability is performed
  • Unable to turn off the breaker (if the Jinn happens to turn on a light which causes the breaker to trip, it could still be a Jinn)
  • Turn off the breaker to disable all abilities

Travels at a faster speed if a distant player is in line of sight while the fuse box is on.


Cannot use its ability if the fuse box is off.
Will never turn the fuse box off directly.

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