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Phas Ghost Tool

Phantom Hunts at 50%

Sanity drops considerably when looking at a Phantom.
Taking a photo of a Phantom will make it temporarily disappear.

Banshee Hunts at any %

Only targets one person at a time. Can hunt at any time.
Fear the Crucifix and are less aggressive near one.

Jinn Hunts at 50%

Travels at a faster speed if victim is far away.
Turning off power source will prevent the Jinn from using its ability.

Revenant Hunts at 50%

Travels faster when hunting a victim.
Hiding from a Revenant causes it to move very slowly.

Shade Hunts at 50%

Shy, making it difficult to locate.
Will not enter hunting mode with multiple people nearby. Boring.

Oni Hunts at 50%

Can move objects and are more active with people nearby.
Is easy to find and identify due to being very active.

Wraith Hunts at 50%

If the ghost walks through salt, and their are no footsteps on UV, it's most likely a wraith.

Mare Hunts at 60% in dark, 40% in light.

Increased chance to attack in the dark
Turning the lights on lowers its chance to attack.
If the ghost turns the light on - it's probably not a Mare.

Demon Hunts at 70%

Attack more often than any other ghost
Asking as Demon successful Ouija board questions won't lower your sanity.

Yurei Hunts at %

Have a stronger effect on your sanity.
Using Smudge Sticks on a Yurei's room will prevent it from wandering for a long time.

Poltergeist Hunts at 50%

Throws a huge amount of objects at once.

Spirit Hunts at 50%

Smudge Sticks will stop it from attacking for a long period of time.
Hunts at 50%

Hantu Hunts at 50%

Lower temperatures can cause the Hantu to move at faster speeds.
A Hantu will move slower in warmer areas.

Yokai Hunts at 50%, or 80% if making a lot of noise next to the ghost.

Talking near a Yokai will anger it and increase it's chance of attacking.
When hunting a Yokai can only hear voices close to it.

Goryo Hunts at 50%

A Goryo will usually only show itself on camera if there are NO people nearby.
They are rarely seen far from their place of death... and YOURS.

Myling Hunts at 50%

A Myling is known to be quieter when hunting.
Mylings more frequently make paranormal sounds.

Onryo Hunts at 50% - Or sooner if it blows a candle out...!

Extinguishing a flame can cause an Onryo to attack.

When threatened, this ghost will be less likely to hunt.

Fears fire and will blow candles out faster. Won't hunt with lots of fire around.

The Twins Hunts at 50%

Either Twin can be angered and initiate an attack on their prey.

They will often interact with items in different locations at the same time, making them easy to find.

Obake Hunts at 50%

Fingerprints have a lower chance of showing.

When they do, their fingerprints may have 6 fingers. Gross.

Raiju Hunts at 50%

Moves hella fast when near electrical items. Turn your shit off!

They mess up electronic equipment more, making them easier to track, apparently "/

Sanity Levels for hunts:

Banshee: any %
Yokai: 80%: (If being loud while standing very close to ghost)
Demon: 70%
Mare: 60% in dark, 40% in light
Everything else: 50%

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