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Below are some questions or phrases you can ask or say in Phasmophobia to encourage ghost activity.

What do you want?
Why are you here?
Do you want to hurt us?
Are you angry?
Do you want us here?
Should we leave?
Do you want us to leave?
What should we do?
Are you friendly?
What are you?
Are you close?
Can you show yourself?
Show yourself.
Give us a sign.
Let us know you are here.
Write in the book (for ghost writing).
Show yourself.
Can you talk?
Speak to us.
Talk to us.
Say something.
Move something.
Turn off the light
Turn on the light.
Are you here?
Are you with us?
Anybody with us?
Is anyone here?
Anybody in the room?
Anybody here?
Is there a spirit here?
Are you a girl?
Are you a boy?
Are you male?
Are you female?
Who are you?
What are you?
Who is this?
Who are we talking to?
Where are you?
What is your name?
Can you give me your name?
How old are you?
What is your age?
When were you born?
Are you a child?
Are you old?
Are you young?
What is your location?
Can you give us your location?
Can you reveal yourself?
Move the [object].
What is your gender?
Are you male or female?
Are you a woman?

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