Hunt threshold
Has the ability to zap 15% sanity if a player is nearby
When it uses it ability, it will also fully close a door in its room
When smudged, the yurei will be trapped in its room for a period of time
- Has a chance to hunt at 80% when players nearby are talking (otherwise hunts at 50% sanity)
- During a hunt, unable to detect your voice or equipment further than 2.5m away
- You can get much loser to a yokai with a music box before the box will break
- Ghost activity is increased when talking near a Yokai
Hide in a room nearby with equipment on and yell at it during a hunt: if you’re close enough and the ghost doesn’t find you, probably a Yokai
They can teleport to a player outside of a hunt which will give a EMF 2 reading
Put salt down. If you hear the ghost steps but the salt never gets disturbed, it likely a Wraith. Wraith will never step in a salt pile or leave UV footsteps.
- Able to interact with multiple objects at the same time in different rooms
- Over the course of multiple hunts, you may hear different speeds
- Twins has the chance during a hunt to send out either a slightly faster ghost (110%) or a slightly slower ghost (90%)
- Will only send out one ghost during a hunt
- May also hunt from a different location from the ghost room if it’s sending out its “decoy” twin
Wait for multiple hunts, check for speed variations.
- The only ghost to have 4 pieces of evidence on professional difficulty and below (Orbs being the piece of evidence you will get that is not listed in the journal for Mimic)
- Will always have Orbs on Nightmare Mode
- Will also always have orbs if you’re playing with no evidence
- Will change the ghost it mimics every 30 seconds to 2 minutes
- Easiest way to see if its a mimic is to see if there are orbs in addition to its 3 pieces of evidence (2 evidence on nightmare)
- If I have orbs as evidence, ALWAYS check for the mimics other evidence (fingerprints, spirit box, freezing) to ensure its not a mimic
- Cannot change its behavior mid hunt
- So if you notice a ghost changes its behavior every couple hunts, check for mimic
- The only ghost capable of aging
- Will start out young at the beginning of the game, making it more active and more aggressive and can hunt at 75% sanity and be super fast 2.5m/s
- Every 1-2 minutes that you’re near a Thaye, it has a chance of aging
- At it’s oldest, it lowers the hunting threshold to 15% and speed 1m/s
- Does not have line of site speed increase, so it will not speed up gradually while chasing you
- To test for a thaye, pay attention to its speed during hunts if you’ve been hanging out in its ghost room enough to age it
- If it seems to slow down each hunt, its likely a Thaye
- It will also tell you a different age on the ouija board if you ask it its age at the beginning of the game and then again later on once you’ve aged it
When you smudge a spirit, it prevents it from hunting for 180 seconds (3 minutes) instead of the usual 90 seconds for most ghosts, 60 seconds for Demon
- Very shy and boring ghost
- Will often show up in shadow form during ghost events or do more airball ghost events
- Ghost event chance increases the lower the average sanity
- Will not throw objects if you are in the same room as it
- Will not hunt if there is a player nearby
To test for a shade, sit in the ghost room with a crucifix, if your sanity is low enough for the ghost to hunt and it’s not hunting or using a crucifix, probably a shade
- Will be very slow when player location is unknown (1m/s)
- When it sees a player, it will immediately speed up to 3m/s
- After reaching the players last known location, it will gradually slow back down if it doesn’t see the player
- Best tell for a Revenant: slow steps when it does not see a player, and instantly fast speeds when it does see a player
Get in a hunt!
- Faster around electronics that are turned on: 50% speed without electronics, 65% speed with electronics
- Must be within 6m of equipment on small maps, 8m on medium maps, and 10m on large maps
- Headcams are the only equipment that does not effect a Raiju
- When hunting, electronics will malfunction at 15m for a Raji as opposed to 10m for other ghosts
- May be easy to confuse a Raiju with a Myling because of the above fact, so make sure to pay attention to its speed near powered electronics
See if the ghost speeds up around electronics.
- More likely to throw items, decreases player sanity by 2% for every item thrown
- During hunts, it has a 100% chance to thrown an object nearby every .5 seconds compared to 50% for other ghosts
- Can do an “explosion” of items
Create a pile of items in the ghost room, and it will explode the items
Has a much longer blink during hunts, making it seem almost invisible
Will immediately disappear when you take a picture during a ghost event and you will continue to hear the ghost event audio
Will not appear in the picture when you take a ghost picture
Also able to wander to a targeted player (not to be mistaken with the Wraith teleport)
Take a photo of the ghost. A phantom will immediately disappear and not distort the photo.
- Unable to hunt within 4m of a flame
- If it blows out 3 flames and there are no other flames nearby to prevent it from huntig, it will trigger a hunt at any sanity
- May also wander away from the candles and initiate a hunt
- To test for an onryo, put candles and crucifixes in its room
- If the ghost uses a crucifix without blowing out the candle, rule out onryo
- If it only uses a crucifix after blowing out all the candles with a 4m range, it’s likely an onryo
- Unable to do the “ghost mist” or “air ball” ghost event
- Much more visible during a hunt, meaning it blinks a lot less than other ghosts
- Has a higher chance of showing its full form during ghost events (instead of being a shadow or transparent)
- Will drain double the sanity when a ghost event hits you
- The only ghost that can leave a 6 fingered fingerprint
- Fingerprints are forced evidence on Nightmare
- Has a 25% to not leave fingerprints
- Also able to cut the duration of fingerprints in half if it uses its ability
- During a hunt, the Obake has a chance to shapeshift
- It will briefly flash as another ghost model of the same gender
- It was a 6.66% chance every time it blinks during a hunt to shapeshift
- I’ve also seen it change the stance of a ghost model during a hunt (i.e. when from being the standing child to the crawling child in one hunt)
- Can also have it run at you from a long corridor and see if the blink changes
To test for an obake during a hunt, loop it for as long as possible and see if it changes ghost models / stance
- Can only be heard during a hunt at a range of 12 meters or less (which includes footsteps AND vocal hunt noises)
- All other ghosts can be heard up to 20 meters away
- Myling will also respond more on the parabolic microphone
To test for a Myling, hide with your flashlight or put dots on the floor. If you only hear footsteps during a hunt right when your equipment starts flickering, its likely a Myling
- Curses a player when they get a response on either the spirit box or the parabolic mic
- Curse causes the players sanity to drain twice as fast, with lights and candles unable to prevent this curse
- To remove the curse, take sanity pills
- Smudging during a hunt will blind the Moroi for 12 seconds, instead of 6 seconds for other ghosts
- The lower your sanity, the faster the Moroi
- If you’re playing with no evidence, see if the ghost gets faster the more your sanity drains
- Moroi will also get line of site speed, so at 0% sanity and enough LOS speed, Moroi becomes the fastest ghost in the game
- Spirit box is forced evidence on nightmare
To test for a Moroi, get a spirit box response and either stay in the light or hold a candle, if your sanity continues to drain, it’s likely a Moroi
- Can hunt at 60% sanity when the lights are off, 40% sanity when the lights are on
- Unable to turn on a light
- Higher chance of performing a light breaking event
- Wanders more if lights are on in its room
- Has a chance of immediately switching a light off that has been turned on
Turn on a light in its room and see if it immediately turns it off.
- When the breaker is on and the Jinn get’s line of site with a player, it will get faster (not as fast as a Revenant and not as slow as a Revenant without LOS)
- When it gets within 3m of a player, it will slow down to normal ghost speed
- Has the ability to zap 25% sanity when near a player and the breaker is on: will give an EMFreading at the breaker when this ability is performed
- Unable to turn off the breaker (if the Jinn happens to turn on a light which causes the breaker to trip, it could still be a Jinn)
- Turn off the breaker to disable all abilities
• Lower the temps, the quicker a hantu will be
•• 15C+ = 1.4m/s
•• 12C = 1.75
•• 9C = 2.1
•• 6C = 2.3
•• 3C = 2.5
•• 0C (freezing) = 2.7
• Does not gradually speed up with line of sight
• Has an increased chance to turn off the breaker
• Will always have freezing temps on Nightmare mode
- Will produce freezing breath during a hunt in any room if the breaker is off
- Goryo dots can only be seen through the video camera
- Will also not show dots if you’re in the same room as it
- Dots is forced evidence on Nightmare mode
- Will not leave its room as often as other ghosts and will not change its favorite room
Make sure no players are in its room and look for dots through the video camera
- You’re unable to hide from this ghost
- Deos are VERY slow when they are near you so they are super easy to loop
- Has a unique spirit box response that sounds like a growl or heavy breathing
- Increased chanced of writing and dots
- Will always have spirit box on nightmare
Fast when hiding. Slow AF with line of sight
- Very aggressive ghost hunt wise
- Can hunt at 70% naturally with a rare chance to hunt at any sanity
- Minimum cooldown between hunts is 20 seconds (other ghosts is 25 seconds)
- Smudging a demon will prevent it from hunting for 60 seconds (compared to 90 seconds for most ghosts and 180 seconds for spirit)
- Crucifix will prevent a hunt for a demon with an increased range of 5m (instead of 3m for other ghosts)
- Hunts based off the target’s sanity: 50% sanity
- Targets only one player as long as they’re alive and inside the house
- If the target leaves the house, the banshee will hunt normally
- When the target dies, the banshee will select a new target
- Will ignore all non-targets during a hunt
- Increased chance for singing ghost events
- Has a unique parabolic microphone sound: sounds like a scream
- Will follow target around